Sunday, October 17, 2010

Evan doesn't wear dirty underwear

So...I have two boys that have decided that they don't wear underwear. I mean, I don't blame them. If I had my choice, I wouldn't either. I love the Bill Cosby routine about his mother always reminding him to have on clean underwear. In case he gets in a car accident or bike accident...any kind of an accident....the officer will report that the boy had on clean don't want to have on soiled underwear! Of course, Bill Cosby says, I thought that's what an accident was!
Well I keep thinking about that moment the boys hit the sixth grade locker room and have to change out for PE. I know from experience that it comes sooner than we think. By then it will be too late to convert to tighty whities or boxers or even those new "in between boxers and briefs" underwear.
So I have started a dialouge with Evan and Cameron about which kind of underwear they want to try out. I showed them some at Old Navy and Walmart this week. Tonight as I watched them scarf down their brownies after dinner, I asked Evan, "Now, which kind of underwear do you want to wear," so I could go buy it at the store this week. He looked at me and loudly retorted, "CLEAN!" He he. At least I don't have to keep going over THAT lesson!

Monday, February 1, 2010

learn something new everyday...

Tonight we had some serious FHE time. Jaren gave the lesson and did a superb job of getting the point across. He got right to the point. So we all need to know that the church is true. Not just someone telling us, but we need to know for ourselves. Then, Jaren proceeded to tell us why he knows the church is true and then asked each one of us individually how we know or when we first knew the church was true. We dove right in, getting an opportunity to bear our testimonies of how we know we are following God and Jesus Christ in our worship. I bore my testimony of how I first came to know that the Savior is real and has a love for all and a plan for all and that the church was the method to getting us all united and supportive of each other so we could all find Him personally. So, each of us had a different experience to share and the boys did a good job of giving their experiences. THEN came the questions! Fact questions that we had to answer. The boys answers were cracking us up! Dallin answered two of the funniest of the night.
“What are the two types of priesthood” “Melchezedik and….Ironic!” He he. Collins and I both looked and each other and laughed at how ironic that our little goofballs at twelve will have the Ironic priesthood. Very Ironic.
THEN the next question, “What is used for translating?”(something like that-I was half listening to the question and half listening to the answers Cameron was still giving from the last question!) Dallin piped up, “The Urine and Thumbin!” BwAhhhh! Ha! Ha! You can imagine how hard we were laughing at that! He was serious. We eventually got to tell the boys that Urim and Thummim means truth and light. No more laughing after that!
So….nuf said. We got a long ways to go….just keep pluggin away at those FHE lessons. Good thing we put Jaren in charge this week. I don’t know if we could have had a better lesson that the one we had!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

no fear

Three Year Old, that is his name now...until he turns four, got a sweatshirt from Grandma & Grandpa Mchale that says NO FEAR. When he opened the Christmas present, he immediately asked what the letters were, because he knew they did not say C A M E R O N. I told him it said NO FEAR, like you are brave and tough and can do anything. WELL, that sealed the deal. This kids asks to wear this sweatshirt every time I ask him what shirt he wants to put on. “The motorcycle NO FEAR sweatshirt!” Every time. AND...he walks around telling people, “This is my NO FEAR sweatshirt....see, it says NO FEAR right hear and (as he spins around with his no nonsense-super stylin’-headsnap back around spin) on the back, too!” Whoa.
SO the men in the family went to a new skatepark out by Jaren’s soccer game. Collins, amazing Dad guy, took them and I was going to meet them at the game so Collins could go to a funeral back in SC. I showed up at the game and Dallin, the informant, came up to me and said, “Cameron cut open his chin.” Well, that stinks. I head over to the sidelines where Three Year Old is frolicking in the grass with some older woman (she is six) with a huge grin on his face. Looked good. I sat down next to Collins and asked him what was going on. “Cameron came up the ramp and didn’t quite make the top and came back down on his chin. He bit his tongue up pretty good and split his chin open. Lots of blood. Figured we would have to go to the emergency room, but then I didn’t want to have to spend 500 bucks or sit in the waiting room. So I went to Rite Aid and got some super glue and closed it up.” He he. That is MY man. Hottie. I mean, Dr. Hottie. So after I smothered him with kisses..just kidding..we were at a kiddie soccer game...It would have to wait till later....I sauntered over to Cameron so I could nonchalantly check out the situation without scaring him. I got down on my knees for a better look and asked him, “So how are you doing?” “Good, I am a doggie right now and Julia is trying to skate away from me.” Well, he really doesn’t seem that affected by this horrible skatepark crash, so I asked him if I could see his chin. He proudly jutted his chin out and head up. So much for being a scaredy cat! Yeow! That looked meaty and messy...and BIG. “I am impressed Cam Cam! Are you good?” “Yea, NO FEAR,” he said with that short, tough tone. He continued to show his mess of a chin to anyone who would ask. The only time he complained was when he tried to eat a tangerine. The juice burned his tongue and dripped onto his chin.
The boys and I walked across the field as they decided who was the same, now, with their chin scars. I love these kind of conversations. Where everyone has their say and everyone sounds like an authority on the subject. Even Three Year Old. Part of the club. Dallin has no chin scar and decided he might need to get one.
As we headed down the street in the car I said, “Hey, that was so cool of Dad to take to the new skatepark. What was your favorite part?” After they boys all piped up with what they liked, Three Year Old yelled out, “My favorite part was busting my chin open!” Seriously. I even turned around to see him with that huge grin still on his face. Seriously. NO FEAR.

a funny thing happened on...

Okay. So this has to be one of those really, really....really funny moments as a parent. Actually, anyone will find this moment to be absolutely hysterical. I hope I can tell it that you will be rolling on the floor, with your gut hurting, your mouth hurting and tears streaming down your eyes. Cuz that’s what we did when a funny thing happened on Saturday night
Collins and AM decided to see a movie. That is not the funny part. Don’t get ahead of the story. We put the little guys to bed. Jaren and Dallin stayed up a bit longer, but we asked Jaren to sleep in our bed in case Cameron woke up and came looking for us.
We arrived at home to a sleeping house and woke Jaren up to get him into his bed. Collins walked Jaren to his bedroom while Ann-Marie went to brush her teeth in the bathroom. Collins asked Jaren on the way to his room if he had his night gaurd. Jaren mumbled something and turned around to..get his night gaurd? So, Collins..being the amazing Dad that he is...proceeds to check on Dallin and goes into the little guys’ room to tuck them in better and make sure they are good. He walks into our bathroom and asks Ann-Marie, “Have you seen Jaren, he isn’t in his bed?” “No,” she replies as she washes her face. Collins turns around and heads back to his room to see him sacked out on his bed. Okay, that was wierd. So, Collins heads back to get ready for bed, wondering what had happened with Jaren and notices that the light to the laundry room is open. HMMM. He walks over to the door and opens it. There is a line of liquid across the grout in the tile coming from the dryer. HE DID Collins opens the lid....Oh, yes he did! Our sleepwalker had gone and piddled in the dryer drum....FILLED IT UP! And closed it. And went back to bed. Collins was busting up and so Ann-Marie had to come find him to see what was up. Seriously. Can you even picture it? We could not stop laughing....for about ½ hour. Just mulling over how that all happened. Our faces were stuck in goofy, plastered grins and we didn’t stop giggling until we realized that Jaren was asleep and would not be cleaning it up.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

we have a rockstar on our hands

Cameron has a knack for looking at life in a round about, underside, flip flop way. When I least expect it, things fly out of his mouth that either make my eyes bug out of my head, turn me around so he can't see me giggling or just plain blush.
This little man loves older women. He pals around with all the eight and nine year old women on the street. They think he is the best. He always has a little gathering of women that he is holding their attention with his antics. The moms are included in this. Laughing at him....and at me. This past summer topped everything. Here comes Cameron flying down the street on his skateboard with no shoes, no shirt, no helmet, with a small can of Dr. Pepper in his hand. He's three. I see this as my car is pulling up in the cul de sac and I am saying "Hi," to two other moms. Cameron skids out in front of us and chucks this can across the pavement next to us. As he picks it up, I call out to him with shock and disapproval in my voice, "What in the world are you doing!?" He looks up at me with this face that tells me he has no idea why I would even show any concern about what he just pulled off in front of our eyes, and ..... BURPS, "WHAT???" Stop and read that again. He did. He burped that word at me. AND, he even managed to do it with that tone that kids have used with their parents since the world began. I don't think he burped on purpose. It just happened that way because Cameron is a rockstar and his timing is impeccable. I glanced next to me for moral support on this one, but my two friends had their hands over their mouths, heads half turned, eyes wide open, giggling.
This phenom shakes and smacks his little booty everywhere he goes. Literally. He would head bop and shimmy in his car seat as a baby. Wherever we go, he is dancing and bouncing and doing tricks. If he isn't doing the boogie, he has an air guitar in his hands. When others ask about the boys piano playing, he tells people that he "plays the microphone!" And he does. His hands start moving and his booty starts bopping and all sorts of music comes out. Last week, Cameron finally got to go to the big kid primary at church. He raised his hand during singing time and asked to sing, "Jingle Bell Rock" which he knows by heart. With a microphone and a little boogie to go with it.
This is the man who while potty training and learning the ABC's sang this song at the top of his lungs during church...."ABCDEFGHIJK, I have to go PEE, QRSTUV...." You get the picture, right? Sing it. It works. I have friends who still talk about that moment to this day. He sang it like that for a while because it was our party trick and we couldn't give it up. It's tough to get that LMNOP in without stumbling over your tongue anyway.
So, Cameron has a "Little People" bike. Anyone with toddlers knows what "Little People" means. Cheesy, baby animal stickers with white tires. This bike measures small. It came with training wheels. CAME. They are gone. He rode it this way, maybe twice. He got those off and slapped some cool stickers on it and now this tricked out toddler bike is a BMX bike. Literally. So, because it has no brakes and can spin on it's handlebars, guess how he rides this bike. He saddles this bike with gusto, turns it on the bars as he jumps off of it and then FLIPS the bike over with a big flourish. I said FLIP. Last time he did it, it landed in the bushes and scared the "youknowwhat" outta me. His feeet touch the ground when he sits, so he can pull off all sorts of turns and jumps. I would not believe it unless I saw it for myself. Unfortunately he likes to practice on the wood floors because the street hurts your knees worse when you skid out. We had to put the kabosh on that real fast. Now he has settled for the driveway because he can get some speed with the incline.
Cameron called me out to the halp pipe the other day to see his trick. He took his scooter and set it up at the top of the ramp. He tried to explain what he was about to do and dropped in and crashed. He immediately told me it did not work and he had me shove his scooter up on the other side to start over. This child of mine proceeded to drop in and on his way back up (heading my way) launched his razor off the ramp. The thing sliced the air by my cheek...I felt a breeze. That was the trick. He meant to launch it away from me the first time, but I don't think he considered where it would hit the second time. These tricks of his seem a tad on the crazy side. I made him come inside after that.
So...there will be side posts of Cameron's Crazy Comments from now on...I already started on FACEBOOK and decided to keep them on our blog so that we can keep them around for a while. You never know, he could be famous one day....oh wait, he already is.